Monday, January 5, 2015

Driving Ms. Tamilu

Well somehow I have twisted my knee into a position it didn't like and now it's wrapped waiting for an orthopedic appointment I will have to make tomorrow.

Tonight though, I am thankful.
Thankful that I made it home alive. Heck I am thankful I made it to the hospital in one piece. I love my oldest son but that boy cannot drive and he isn't taking direction from me well either. Of course it could be because I was screaming at the top of my lungs every time he screwed up.

 Hey, what can I say? His driving made me feel like a hula bobble head on the dashboard.

When did it become a rule to drag race to the next stop? Or to roll over a ditch when you make a right hand turn? Guess I missed those options in the drivers handbook.

I guess I should have known this would be like this when he got grown. His brother and he would dig holes, fill them with water and one would get "stuck" in the hole and the other would rescue him like a wrecker. Maybe Crash is just reverting to childhood so his brother can be HIS hero again. You see my younger son has Fragile X Syndrome. The only known genetic cause of autism and the most common form of inherited mental retardation in men and boys. Another day I will explain fragile x in more detail but for tonight I am going to go with that explanation for the bad driving..

Nope it couldn't possibly be because his father took him drag racing most weekends as a kid.. Surely that wasn't his insperation for trying to make me a hood ornament tonight, right?

Yes I am going with the hero option. It sounds better and it is something I can be thankful for.

That is all.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Beginnings

Starting a blog seems easy but I am finding it difficult. It's not the writing I find difficult it's finding the time to devote to it. But I am hoping the new year will be better. I want to do a lot of things this year. I need to do a lot of things this year.

First, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May your dreams come true and may you be healthy and happy in all you do.

Second, I want to loose weight this year. I tried the exercising thing last year and it didn't really work for me. Gonna have to try something else along with it. 

Third, I really want to share my experiences with my son, John Austin with you. He is 18 and has a genetic condition called Fragile X Syndrome. I'll tell you more about FXS in days to come but right now I just want to list my goals for this blog here today.

And lastly, I want to share my family with you. We struggle everyday just like you but we always seem to find our way at the end of the day. Mostly through laughter and sarcasm but we get through it. I hope you find something in our lives that can enrich yours.

Thanks for your time today,

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hatcher's Garden

It's been tough raising them. You see they have a genetic condition called Fragile X Syndrome and life hasn't always been easy for us. But that's okay. I wouldn't trade the life I have with my boys for any other life in the world!

I come you'll come along with us as we journey through this world we call our life.  Help us discover what's in our own back yard so to speak.

One recent day trip with my mom and sons, I discovered a beautiful and peaceful garden in our area called Hatcher's Garden. It was so pretty there. There was a pond, a waterfall, and several beautiful sculptures. There were places you could just sit and read or enjoy a meal with friends and family. If you live in the Greenville/Spartanburg Area of SC and you have the time you should take a moment and go check out this beautiful place.

Trains and Tools

Tonight I asked my five year old nephew if he would like me to write him a short story and post it online. He said.. "Sure, Aunt Tia... if you can do that..."
I then asked him what he wanted me to write about. He said trains and tools. Trains and tools?  OMG! I am so  in over my head! What to do? What to do?
I will write him a short story about trains because I love him and that is what he wants, but I know nothing about trains. Heck, I don't even know what kind of trains he likes other than the little blue train we all know and love.
I know why he wants tools added to the story. My eighteen year old son won a toolbox full of tools a few weeks ago at a car show. Micheal has been trying for years to win that same box of tools.  Alex decided that he needed tools like his older cousin too so he has pestered all of us to either buy him a toolbox (his mom did by the way) or give him our tools to put in it.  But I am not sure he is ready for a story about a sad broke down train that needs  Someday; but not today. Today he is still just a five year old little boy who loves trains.